Mrs. Szpyhulsky
Grade 6 Language Arts Special Education Teacher
We will be using Google Classroom for our class assignments.
Module 1/2/5/6 class code: evz5jaa
Module 7/8/12/13 class code:
Module 14/15/16/17 class code:
Please use the links on the left side of the page
to find important information
and useful resources about our class and school.
If you would like to schedule a conference,
please email me to make an appointment.
I am available daily during school hours from 9:02 - 9:44am.
Welcome to Mrs. Szpyhulsky's Page!
I teach Language Arts to Grade 6 students. I have been working as a Teacher of Students with Disabilities for 19 years and hold 3 Master's Degrees: a MAT in Special Education, an M.Ed. in Elementary Education, Curriculum, and Assessment, and an M.Ed in Educational Leadership. My certifications include Elementary K - 6, Teacher of Students with Disabilities, Supervisor, Principal, and Superintendent.
As we embark on the journey of virtual education, it is my goal to create a supportive environment that focuses on structure, routine, and discipline. We will be following the general education curriculum, focusing on Writer's Workshop and reading core novels while focusing on the New Jersey State Student Learning Standards.