School Photo Gallery
Page Navigation
- "Super Bowl Kick Off"-Our classes vote for their favorite team!
- Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
- Black History Month-Feb 1 to Feb 28
- Snowball Dance-Jan. 30
- School Spirit Day-1/17
- Exploring the Snow-Room 118
- Snow Day Fun for Room 122
- District Scavenger Hunt
- Gingerbread Chase-Dec. 20
- Ugly Sweater Day-December 20
- Family Winter Celebrations-Green Wing (Dec. 19)
- Family Winter Celebrations-Yellow Wing (Dec. 18)
- Family Winter Celebrations-Blue Wing (Dec. 17)
- Family Winter Celebrations-Red Wing (Dec. 16)
- School Spirit Day-Dec. 6
- Room 103 enjoys their broccoli.
- School Spirit Day-Nov. 27
- Classroom Activities
- Disney Day
- Week of Kindness: Nov 11-15
- Rm. 107-Family Feast
- Black and Orange Day
- Trunk or Treat-October 29
- Pumpkin Patch-Oct. 23
- Wearing Pink for Cancer Awareness
- Week of Respect-October 7-11
- Firefighters from PAFD visit our School
- Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
- School Spirit Day-9/27
- Caught Doing Good!
- In Honor of 9/11-Red, White and Blue Day
- First Day of School-9/5