Room 6's Daily Schedule


    8:30-8:45- Arrival/Wash Hands/ Breakfast

    8:45-8:55- Morning Meeting 

    8:55-9:00- Transition to Gross Motor

    9:00-9:30 - Gross Motor

    9:30-9:40- Transition from Gross Motor/ Group Bathroom

    9:40-10:25 - Centers/Small Group

    10:25-10:40- Snack

    10:40- 12:25- Free Play/ Read Aloud

    12:25-12:35- Shared Reading

    12:35- 12:45- Cots/Wash Hands

    12:45- 2:15- Lunch/Rest

    2:15-2:25- Cots/ Bathroom

    2:25-2:40- Music and Movement

    2:40- 2:50- Afternoon Meetin

    2:50-3:00- Departure