Welcome to Room 104!



Degrees and Certifications:

Stacie DaSilva

Welcome to Room 104!

My name is Stacie DaSilva and I have been a preschool teacher since September 2020. I graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelors Degree in 2013 and worked as a paraprofessional and preschool teacher's assistant for 7 years before becoming a teacher. I received my teaching certificate from New Jersey City University and am currently finishing my Master's in Early Childhood Education.


Some of my Favorites

My favorite color is blue and my favorite flowers are sunflowers and tulips. I love to drink coffee, watch movies and go on bike rides with my family.


Teaching Philosophy

“Our job is not to prepare students for something. Our job is to help students prepare themselves for anything.”

– A.J. Juliani –

The above quote describes my teaching philosophy especially in preschool because it is so important to teach our youngest learners independence.  New students may come into the preschool classroom with very little independence, and slowly as they learn and grow to do things on their own, they become more confident.  This is why I believe it is my job as a teacher to help even the youngest students prepare themselves to be independent, so that they are confident enough to do anything on their own.


“Never discourage anyone who makes continual progress no matter how slow.”

– Plato –

I believe any child with enough love and support will continue to grow and prosper.  I keep the progress that my students have made in my mind as a positive reminder that I can make an impact on a child’s life and development with a positive attitude and a helping hand.  The ongoing commitment and encouragement a teacher can bring allows children to gain enough confidence to make continual progress, even if it's one step at a time.