Mrs. Michelle Erszkowicz
Google classroom code: fganqix
DepartmentExt: x35613About:Welcome to Room #218 an English Dual Language classroom. My name is Michelle Erszkowicz and I currently teach 1st grade at the Rose M. Lopez School. I have worked in the Perth Amboy district for over 18 years and I had the honor of being the Teacher of the Year in 2009-2010. I have a Master's degree in Reading Education and in addition I am Nationally Board Certified.In our classroom, the zebra classroom, we work hard but also have fun. I also encourage students to try their best. Students are expected to be respectful of their peers and teachers and are encouraged to talk to each other when they are having a problem. Normally in the classroom we conduct groups to enhance students' learning but also to make it fun! In the classroom students use games, word sorting puzzles, and writing journals. They read with partners and are encouraged to use their Chrome books not only in school but at home as well. We utilize the I-Ready, Dreambox, Rocket Math and Raz Kids programs. Our schedule consists of the following: Math, Whole Group instruction where we practice our sight words and read stories, Guided Reading groups, Intervention time (where students can get individualized or group assistance in specific areas), Writing and Science/Social Studies.My Spanish world dual language partner is Yanilda Holguin, the lions classroom.Please read with your child daily as this is the best way for your child to improve their sight word skills and is a great way to open up discussions and coversations with your child.I hope you enjoy my website and if you have any questions please feel free to email me at Micherszkowicz@paps.net.Mrs. Michelle Erszkowicz