Welcome to the Health Office!
Welcome to Rose M. Lopez Elementary School! For new incoming students, immunizations/physicals are required on the first day of school unless you have a provisional form on file. If your child requires medication (inhalers, epi-pens, daily medication, etc), please have the medications and the physician's paperwork upon return to school. We request that you deliver them personally to me and not send them in with your child. Healthy lunches and snacks are recommended for school - please avoid high-sugar/high-fat foods. Healthy foods contribute to better learners. Please review the Nurse Health Guidelines regarding times when your child is not feeling well and should be kept home from school. An absence is medically excused only if it is accompanied by a doctor's note. We look forward to a safe, healthy year with your child.
¡Bienvenidos a la Escuela Primaria Rose M. Lopez! Para los nuevos estudiantes que ingresan, se requieren vacunas / exámenes físicos el primer día de clases
a menos que tenga un formulario provisional en el archivo. Si su hijo necesita medicamentos (inhaladores, epi-pens, medicación diaria, etc.), tenga los
medicamentos y la documentación del médico al regresar a la escuela. Le solicito que me los entregue personalmente y no los envíe con su hijo. Se recomiendan
almuerzos y refrigerios saludables para la escuela; evite los alimentos con alto contenido de azúcar o grasas. Los alimentos saludables contribuyen a mejorar
el aprendizaje. Por favor, revise las Pautas de salud para enfermeras con respecto a las ocasiones en las que su hijo no se siente bien y no debe ir a la
escuela. Una ausencia está justificada médicamente solo si va acompañada de una nota del médico. Espero tener un año seguro y saludable con su hijo.Ms. Gidelka Nunez, RN, BSN
Nurses Office Tel. 732-376-6093 ext. 29-415
Nurses Office Fax: 732-347-8977
***Medications and doctors orders must be renewed EVERY school year. Your child must have medical orders submitted to attend school. This is a safety requirement. Su hijo debe tener órdenes médicas enviadas para asistir a la escuela. Este es un requisito de seguridad.
*** Los medicamentos y las órdenes médicas deben renovarse CADA año escolar.
***Immunizations must be kept current. Report all new immunizations to the school nurse. The NJ Department of health is not making exceptions for vaccinations. All vaccinations must be up to date. El Departamento de salud de Nueva Jersey no está haciendo excepciones para las vacunas. Todas las vacunas deben estar actualizadas.
**** Las vacunas deben mantenerse actualizadas. Informe todas las vacunas nuevas a la enfermera de la escuela.
Important Information/Información importante:
*Please print and complete and return the Physicans medical report, Administration of Medication form, and Asthma Action Plan if your child has asthma.
* Imprima, complete y devuelva el informe médico de Physicans, el formulario de administración de medicamentos y el plan de acción para el asma si su hijo tiene asma.
*Please complete and return the Physicians medical report, Administration of medication form, and Seizure Action Plan if you child has seizures.
* Complete y devuelva el informe médico del médico, el formulario de administración de medicamentos y el plan de acción para las convulsiones si su hijo tiene convulsiones.
* Please complete and return the Physicians Medical Report, Administration of medication form, and Food Allergy Action Plan if your child has food allergies.
* Complete y devuelva el Informe médico del médico, el formulario de administración de medicamentos y el Plan de acción para las alergias alimentarias si su hijo tiene alergias alimentarias*Please complete and return the Physicians Medical Report and Adminstration of medication form if your child has any other medical issues requiring medication.
* Por favor complete y devuelva el informe médico del médico y el formulario de administración de medicamentos si su hijo tiene cualquier otro problema médico que requiera medicación.
- Asthma Action Plan-
- Food Allergy Action Plan-
- Seizure Action Plan-
- Administration of Medication/ English- medication administration form
- Administration of medication/Spanish- Spanish medication administration form
- Physicians medical report-pmr (DOCTOR NOTE)
Health Office Forms Formularios de la oficina de salud
- Student Health Screening Program
- Guidelines for Keeping Sick Children Home From School (English and Spanish)
- Kids Aren't Just Small Adults
- Los Niños No Son Simplemente Adultos Pequeños
- Information Regarding Physical Examinations for Pre K, Kindergarten and New Students (Grades 1-4)
- Information on Physical Examinations for Grades 3, 6, 9
School nurses can continue to be proactive by advising students, families, and staff to:
- Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs spread this way.
- Cover coughs and sneezes. Use a tissue to cover coughs and sneezes, then dispose of the tissue. When a tissue is not available, cough or sneeze into your elbow.
- Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill. Find additional CDC resources on how to clean and disinfect schools.
- Wash hands for 20 seconds. Washing hands often under clean, running water can help prevent the spread of germs. For more guidance see the CDC: When and How to Wash Your Hands. If you cannot wash your hands, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60-95% alcohol.
Here are some important videos to watch
staying home when you are sick
stayi g hogar cuando estas enfermo
Resources for Families in Need
- 2NDFLOOR is a confidential and anonymous helpline for New Jersey's youth and young adults. We are here to help you find solutions to the problems that you face at home, at school or at play-
- Children's Mobile Response & Stabilization Services (CMRSS)
- Middlesex County Health Department
- Perth Amboy Housing Authority
- Middlesex County Board of Social Services
- Catholic Charities
- Perth Amboy Board of Education
- Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders
- Puerto Rican Association for Human Development
- Perth Amboy Housing Study Survey
- Perth Amboy Housing Study Survey (Spanish version)
- Tenant Rights - 2020
- Perth Amboy Community resources list
- Food Pantry Directory - City of Perth Amboy
- PAPS Family resources
- Middlesex County Health services
- United Way of Central Jersey
- NJ2-1-1 Resource List
- NJ YMCA Alliance
- Perth Amboy Public schools resource Guide