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Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Juan Lorenzo
My name is Juan Lorenzo and I am the Nontraditional School Psychologist at the Rose M. Lopez Dual Language Elementary School, which serves approximately 845 scholars.
As a Non-traditional School Psychologist (NTSP), I work within the general educational system to help students who are struggling with significant emotional, social, and academic difficulties.
Students I work with are referred to me by the Rose M. Lopez Student Support Team based on criteria such as grades, attendance, and classroom behavior.
As the School Psychologist, my goal is to collaborate with parents, teachers, and students to promote a healthy learning environment that focuses on the needs of our students.
I closely work with students in groups and/or on an individual level to support their behavioral and academic needs. I also work with teachers and parents to develop techniques to work on behaviors at home and in the classroom.
If you have any concerns regarding your child, please contact your child’s teacher and/or guidance counselor.
Have a great school year!
Juan Lorenzo, M.A., Ed.s in School Psychology
Nontraditional School Psychologist
Rose M. Lopez Elementary School
Tel: 732-376-6270 Ext. 29422