Tips To Help Support Your Beginning Reader

Reading books with your child can support language development and learning in many ways. Incorporating some of these tips can help develop your child's reading skills.
1. Provide a consistent time and place to read together.
2.Practice at least three to four nights a week for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
3. Listen to your child read.
4. Talk with your child's teacher.
5. Have your child bring home his school library books or other classroom books so that you can listen to your child read books on his/her grade level.
6. Wait before helping your child when he makes a mistake.
7. Praise your child for correcting himself and using clues to figure out words on his own.
8. Provide help without telling them the word if they are unsuccessful at first.
9. Make time to read aloud together often.
10. Keep a variety of reading materials available throughout your home.