Welcome to the Health Office!¡Bienvenidos a la Oficina de Salud!
If your child is sick, please have them tested for COVID-19 and send the results to us via email (see below for email addresses).
Si su hijo está enfermo, hágale una prueba de COVID-19 y envíenos los resultados por correo electrónico (consulte a continuación las direcciones de correo electrónico).
We are committed to keeping our students safe, healthy, and ready to learn!
Whether virtual or in person, your school nurses are available and responsive to the needs of our school community. We are aware that parents are facing some challenges as this health crisis continues, but please know your school nurse is here for you. Please continue to let us know if your child experiences medical issues, whether COVID-19 related or other signs of illness. Please reinforce preventative strategies such as social distancing recommendations, use of face coverings and frequent hand washing. Together we will promote the health and safety of our students and communities as we navigate these uncharted waters!
¡Estamos comprometidos a mantener nuestros estudiantes seguros, saludables, y listos para aprender!
Ya sea virtual o en persona, las enfermeras de su escuela están disponibles y responsivas a las necesidades de nuestra comunidad escolar. Somos conscientes de que los padres enfrentan algunos desafíos a medida que continúa esta crisis de salud, pero sepa que la enfermera de su escuela está aquí para ayudarlo. Por favor continúe informándonos si su hijo experimenta problemas médicos, ya sea relacionados con COVID-19 u otros signos de enfermedad. Refuerce las estrategias preventivas, como las recomendaciones de distanciamiento social, el uso de mascarillas, y el lavado frecuente de manos. ¡Juntos promoveremos la salud y la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y comunidades mientras navegamos por estas aguas misteriosas!
Nurses Office Tel. 732-376-6010 ext. 21-415 or 21-416
Nurses Office Fax: 732-638-1041
Every student deserves a School Nurse
Cada niño merece una enfermera escolar
- Student Health Screening Program
- Guidelines for Keeping Sick Children Home From School (English and Spanish)
- Kids Aren't Just Small Adults
- Los Niños No Son Simplemente Adultos Pequeños
- Information Regarding Physical Examinations for Pre K, Kindergarten and New Students (Grades 1-4)
- Information on Physical Examinations for Grades 3, 6, 9
School nurses can continue to be proactive by advising students, families, and staff to:
- Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs spread this way.
- Cover coughs and sneezes. Use a tissue to cover coughs and sneezes, then dispose of the tissue. When a tissue is not available, cough or sneeze into your elbow.
- Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill. Find additional CDC resources on how to clean and disinfect schools.
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds. Washing hands often under clean, running water can help prevent the spread of germs. For more guidance, see the CDC: When and How to Wash Your Hands. If you cannot wash your hands, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60-95% alcohol.