Morales, Virginia
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1. Introduction/Introduccion (Background and education)
We welcome you and your child to a new class year. He/She will be very busy this year learning many new things. Your child will continue to learn responsibility, working daily on following directions and rules, as well as, completing classwork and homework assignments. We will be reviewing letter sounds, spelling patterns, words, as well as, practice writing stories with capitals and punctuation. This year is a very important year for your child.
Our heart is with your children. We need your help to get your child ready for a bright future. We can’t do it alone. Parental involvement, starting from Kindergarten through the High School years, in your child’s education is the key! Don’t stop being a part of your child’s education. Be an active parent.
Nuestros corazones estan con sus hijos/hijas. Necesitamos su ayuda para preparer a su hijo(a) para un future brillante. No los podemos hacer solas. Debes de ser un padre activo en los estudios de su hijo(a).
2. Classroom Setup
Calendar Math (i.e. Includes Physical Education and Spanish with songs); 90 minute block (Working with Words, Guided Reading & Writing with teacher modeling); Grammar; Self Selected reading (Leveled); Math (i.e. Addition, Subtraction, Place Value, Measurement, Time, Money and Shapes); Social Studies; Science; Centers; Specials (i.e. M-Art, Tues.- Health & Library, W- Music, Thurs.-Gym, F-Gym, Computers & Spanish).
3. Schedule (Hand-out): Gym on Thursdays and Fridays=sneakers & no jewelry. Lunch = 11:50 – 12:35
The school bell rings at 8:35AM. If your child comes to class after 8:45AM he/she will be marked late for class. It is very important that your child gets to school on time and is ready to work. Your child needs to be in class everyday. We will be learning many new things that a child would miss a lot of work if he/she were absent frequently. Please try to schedule any doctor or dental appointments after school. If your child is absent, it is the school policy that your child return to class with a note explaining why he/she did not come to school. Plan vacations around SUMMER vacation. ATTENDANCE IS IMPORTANT!
4. E-mail address & Conferences (Communication is key!)
Contact us by letter, phone, or e-mail. We are available for conferencing by appointment from 11:05 PM until 11:50 PM everyday. Please let us know of any concerns you may have.
EMERGENCY CARDS: If there are any changes in address, phone number or emergency contacts, let us know immediately.
SAFETY and SECURITY: Proper ID is needed when you pick up your child during the day.
Puedes comunicarse con nosotros por corespondencia, telefono o mensaje electronic. Estamos disponibles para conferencias y citas desde las 11:05AM hasta las 11:50AM. Avisanos si tienes preguntas o de cualquier cambio en direccion o telefono en caso de emergencia.
5. Classroom Rules/Reglas
Responsibility and Respect are very important for your child to learn. Please help us enforce the rules in the class by discussing, how to be a good person and a positive citizen, with your child. Together we will have a fun-filled year that will result in your child being more enthusiastic about learning, independent, and better organized.
Es muy importante que su hijo(a) aprenda responsabilidad y respeto. Ayudanos ensenar las reglas de el salon. Explicale de como ser una buena persona y un ciudadano positivo. Juntos tendremos un ano lleno de gozo resultando que su hijo(a) seas independente en sus estudios y mas organizado.
6. Homework/Tarea
It is very important that you look in your child’s folder every day! Letters and Homework are sent home. Review all homework folders daily. Send forms back the next day. We do not assign homework on Fridays, but may send some practice work sometimes. Let us know if there are any concerns regarding the quantity of HW assigned. We can give more work to challenge your child or we can make changes to make it easier for your child to understand the material. We believe Homework is important in children’s learning. We give HW because we feel students need extra time to learn outside of the school. If your child is having a hard time understanding a concept, we will send work home on the weekends, as well, in order to help them.
Revise y firme todos los documentos y devuelvelos imediatamente por favor. Trata de explicar y revisar el trabajo de el salon y la tarea con su hijo(a) diario para que ellos entiendan el material mejor.
7. Expectations: Reading Level/Nivel de lectura
DRA’s (Developmental Reading Assessments) will be given in effort to get your child as close as possible to a DRA 28 by the end of June, in preparation for 3rd grade. In order to help your child practice reading more, we will be sending a Book Buddy Bag home on Mondays. It will be filled with some reading books. These books will be different reading levels. Your son/daughter is supposed to read a book(s) every day and we are asking that you review the setting.
Some good reading strategies you can have your child practice are: Word Review (i.e. spelling and definition); Picture walk (i.e. look at the pictures and predict what is happening in the story); Echo Reading (i.e. child repeats what you say); Retelling (i.e. explain what happened in the Beginning, Middle, and End of the story by discussing the Who? What? When? Where? and How?); Extension activity (i.e. Write about favorite part or a personal connection).
If you have access to a computer at home, you can have your son/daughter practice reading using a great program called BookFlix. Log on to Enter jamesflynn for the username. The password is bookflix Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to introduce your child to a wonderfully exciting world of reading!
8. Scholastic Book Orders/Ordenes de libros
It is very important that you encourage your child to be interested in reading. All it takes is $1.00 to get a book and a FREE Public Library card to help your child see that reading is FUN and important!
Es muy importante que trates de comprar libros para su hijo(a). Tambien puedes buscarle una tarjeta de la libreria para que su hijo(a) puedas leer.
9. Assessments/Examenes
Students are assessed weekly in Spelling. They will be assessed biweekly in Reading and Math. Once in a while we will give your child a Social Studies or Science test. We send tests home on Fridays for you to review. Please sign and return the tests back to us on Monday. These assessments are given to determine: your child’s ability to sound out and identify words (i.e. b-r-ow-n), their Reading progress (i.e. fluency & comprehension), their understanding of Math concepts, and their sentence writing skills.
10. Personal Property
Please make sure to write your child’s name on his/her bookbag, lunch, shirt, jacket, or sweater in order to not risk losing their personal belongings. You should also do this with any school related items (i.e. folders, pencils, etc…).
Por favor escribe el nombre de su hijo(a) en sus cosas personales.
11. Special Request
We ask that you work on teaching your son/daughter to tie their shoelaces and to learn their phone number and address in case of an emergency.
Support the PTO when doing fundraisers. All the proceeds benefit your child (i.e. academic and recreational activities).
*Appointments can be made, later in the evening, to speak about your child.