Morales, Virginia
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Dear Parents,
We welcome you and your child to a new class year. He/She will be very busy this year learning many new things. Your child will continue to learn responsibility, working daily on following directions and rules, as well as, completing classwork and homework assignments. We will be reviewing letter sounds, as well as, practice writing capital and lowercase letters. We will also learn how to write colors and numbers (i.e. 1 – one). This year is a very important year for your child. He/she will continue to learn how to read, spell, and write. Your child will also learn many new math concepts.The bell rings at 8:35AM. If your child comes to class after 8:45AM he/she will be marked late for class. It is very important that your child gets to school on time and is ready to work. Your child needs to be in class everyday. We will be learning many new things that a child would miss a lot of work if he/she were absent frequently. Please try to schedule any doctor or dental appointments after school. If your child is absent, it is the school policy that your child returns to class with a written note explaining why he/she did not come to school.
It is very important that you look in your child’s folder every day! It may have important letters and forms that need immediate attention. Your child will have daily homework to review what was taught previously as reinforcement. You must remind your child to write his/her name on homework assignments and to return it to class the next day. This is your child’s responsibility and it will be part of his/her report card grade. Your child’s folder may also have additional practice activities, completed assignments and tests for you to review with him/her.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any updates, questions, or concerns. We are looking forward to working with you in order to make this school year a positive and successful learning experience for your child.
Mrs. V. Morales-Rivera