• Kindergarten Summer Reading List

    Kindergarten rocks  

    Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

    By Bill Martin Jr.

    I Read Signs

    By Tina Hoban

    The Very Busy Spider

    By Eric Carle

    Ten Black Dots

    By Donald Crews

    Tomie DePaola’s Mother Goose

    By Tomie DePaola

    Color Zoo

    By Lois Ehlert

    Ten Apples Up on Top

    By Theo Lesieg


    The Cat in the Hat

    By Dr. Suess

    Mouse Count

    By Ellen Walsh

    The Chicken Sisters

    By Laura Joffe Numeroff

    Mouse Mess

    By Linnea Asplind Riley

    Sheep in a Jeep

    By Nancy Shaw

    The Scrambled States of America

    By Laurie Keller

    Goodnight Moon

    By Margaret Wise Brown

    Los Desconocidos

    Por Dorothy Chlad

    Si le das un panecillo a un alce

    Por Laura Joffe Numeroff


    Try these fun activities:


    *create new endings, read another book by the same author, write a script to make into a play (Reader’s Theatre), character study, or create a vocabulary list needed to understand the story


    *crea un final nuevo para el libro, lee otro libro del mismo autor, escribe una obra , crea un esquema de personajes, crea una lista de vocabulario que necesites para comprender el cuento