    Happy New Year!!
    I am so excited about seeing all my students back at school! I hope that everyone enjoyed a restful winter break and are ready to learn in 2025. 
    I will be seeing your child twice a week for physical education and once a week for health.  
    Please make sure that your child continues to wear sneakers that tie and socks for PE class. Crocs, sandals, flats, boots, and dress shoes are not safe for our class. Have your child wear clothes that they are able to move in comfortably and if your child wears a skirt, please have them wear shorts underneath. As always, please leave all jewelry at home.
    In January, the students in grades 3 - 5 will be learning volleyball skills and game play. Our students in grades K - 2 will continue to work on cooperation games and parachute games.
    In our Health classes, students in grades K - 2 will be learning about the 5 food groups and why we need to eat a variety of foods. Our students in grades 3 - 5, will also be learning about nutrition. Their topics will include the nutrients found in foods, portion sizes and diversity in food choices. 
    If you need to reach me, you may call the school or email me at : Jennbabyak@paps.net.
    I teach the following classes. The H stands for Health and PE stands for Physical Education.
    Mrs. Javier (PE)                 Mrs. Cruz- Ciesla (H/PE )            Mr. Graenart (PE)     
    Mrs. Collado (H/PE )          Mrs. Verdecia (H/PE )                  Mrs. Marte (H/PE)
    Mrs. Mallon (H)                  Mr. Jerez (H/PE)                           Ms. Cardona (H/PE)
    Mrs. Spencer (PE/H)
                                               Looking forward to a great 2025!                  
                                                          hMrs. Babyak