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All resources listed on this page are programs that are purchased for the district. The students have been taught how to use these programs through their district issued login credentials. Teachers use many of these programs to assess a students' needs and help them create learning plans for each individual student.
It's here! We now have access to this online editing resource to enhance our video production curriculum. This program will be utilized to learn how to edit videos that we create through distance learning. It is user friendly and has many extras that will make your videos exciting. I give this program 4 stars!
Raz-Kids is a digital library that offers students a personalized library based on their interest and reading level. Students are leveled using a reading placement quiz. The application tracks a students' progress through quizzes at the end of each story. As the student passes quizzess, they progress a reading level. Students earn points for their avatars and have the ability to use the points they earn to buy accessories for their avatar. Teachers can use the data to drive instruction to create lessons for best practices. This site earns 4 stars for engagement, accessibility, and indvidualized learning.
Enter the world of Brainpop, Brainpop Jr., and Brianpop Espanol to learn from educational videos that will enhance your learning. Take a quiz after the video to test your knowledge. Brainpop is worthy of 4 stars as is it provides resources in several subjects and can be easily combined with a Google Classroom.
i-Ready is a program that is personalized for the student. Perth Amboy students have access to i-Ready Math and Reading. A pre-assessment tests their prior knowledge and gives teachers an insight on what to work on. The data is used to drive instruction and pinpoint areas to focus on with the student. This program earns 4 stars.