Mrs. Andrea Ruiz
Technology EducatorEmail me at:
Internet Safety:The Internet can be a fabulous place that opens up the whole world to your youngster. There are many educational and learning opportunities. However, it can also be a dangerous place, so you have to teach your child how to stay safe online.
Internet Safety at Home:
http://www.ikeepsafe.org/ says that the three main risks associated with all connected technology are:
* Inappropriate Contact –Teach kids how to recognize and protect themselves against contact with cyber-bullies, hackers, phishers, and predators. People aren't always who they say they are. Teach kids to keep away from Internet strangers: the Internet is a place to enhance existing relationships, not a place to meet new people.
* Inappropriate Content- This includes both content that is viewed and content that is uploaded by kids. Help kids understand that the Internet is forever: everything they post online is tracked and stored and will follow them to future job interviews and college entrance interviews.
*Inappropriate Conduct – Because the web environment can feel anonymous, some youth become dis-inhibited. Teach kids that the Internet is a public forum: anonymity is a myth. Help them be the good person online that they are when they’re off line.
You don’t have to be a Computer Expert to keep your child safe online:www.ikeepsafe.org recommends that you:
Keep Current • Keep Communicating • Keep Checking
* Keep Current with technology. You don't have to be an expert, but a little understanding goes a long way towards keeping your child safe online. Get basic technical training and learn about new products as they're released.
* Keep Communicating with your children about everything they experience on the Internet. Know their lingo, and ask when you don't understand something. Work to keep communication lines open.
* Keep Checking your children's Internet activity. Know where they go online. Let them know that you'll keep checking because you want them to understand that the Internet is a public forum and never truly private.
A great place to keep current with technology is Common Sense Media.
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