School Narrative
The Anthony V. Ceres Elementary School, in partnership with the parents and community of Perth Amboy, is dedicated to create a safe, nurturing environment conducive to learning for all of our students. Through the application of standards-based instruction, students will achieve the standards through opportunities to develop independent learning skills, creative problem solving strategies, and a sense of responsibility while respecting the diversity of others.
The Anthony V. Ceres Elementary School is a kindergarten through fifth grade school with approximately 590 students. Our school vision, "In our learning community, we inspire, empower, and support everyone, everyday, in every way," can be seen daily as our teachers collaborate in Professional Learning Communities. Teams of teachers work together to plan lessons, review data to identify the needs of our students, and utilize best instructional practices.
Our curriculum is designed to infuse literacy throughout the day. The schedule is set with allotted times throughout the school day for reading workshop, writing workshop, learning centers, mathematics instruction, and all content areas. In addition, our K-5 classes utilize thematic units that assist our teachers in planning literacy instruction that integrates reading and writing skills in the content areas. These resources serve as a tool for linking instruction to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Each classroom has a collection of leveled reading materials that is thematically labeled. Learning stations are strategically placed within the classroom with motivational learning activities for the students. In the area of mathematics, our curriculum is delivered during a block of instruction for grades K-5 with a focus on the individual and diverse needs of our students.
We currently have before and after-school programs available to assist our students. Teachers have the opportunity at this time to take a small group of struggling students and work with them on specific skills. We also offer an enrichment program that includes Musical theater that focus on enrichment-based opportunities.
Updated technology has been infused into each classroom. Interactive white boards are being utilized throughout all classrooms. The students also use Google Chromebooks to reinforce skills, conduct research, and complete classroom assignments. Every classroom also houses a teacher's station, which consists of a computer and printer designated for his/her own use. Teachers can access various online applications and use a variety of software to enhance their lessons, to create hands-on virtual lessons as well as to search for educational videos that correlate with their lesson plans and display them via their interactive white boards. We offer a one-to-one computer initiative in Grades 1-5. Each student has the opportunity to have his/her own Google Chromebook for the length of the school day. Students in grade K utilize iPads at appropriate times during the school day. The school uses various educational websites and/or apps, to assist students in mastering skills in language arts literacy and mathematics. The school's curriculum also includes science, social studies, health, music, art, library skills, physical education, and English as a Second Language.
In order to assure that our students feel safe, our faculty has taken a proactive approach to ensure that bullying is not tolerated. Our school counselors complete classroom lessons at all grade levels to teach students the procedures to identify, report and prevent Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying. This information is also shared with staff and parents through meetings and workshops. Our students also participate in school assemblies to reinforce Anti-Bullying and Character Education.
In addition to our outstanding staff of highly qualified teachers, we have specialists and other support staff. A strong team of specialists including a child study team (Psychologist, Social Worker and Learning Disability Consultant), a Non-Traditional Psychologist, a technology educator, guidance counselors, physical education/health teachers, reading specialists, music teachers, nurses, Speech, English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers, a home-school liaison, paraprofessionals and security guards all contribute to the success of our school.
To celebrate the success of the school, the administrative team highlights school, teacher, and student achievements. Winners of Governor/Teacher of the Year Award, student recognition for Academic Achievement, Starblazer of the Month (Student of the month), are shared monthly and/or annually. Furthermore, we have implemented many outstanding programs: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grant from the Department of Agriculture (students sample fresh fruit or vegetables twice a week delivered to their class) Food Baskets for the Needy, the Giving Tree during the Winter Holiday season, Family Nights, School Spirit Activities, School Assemblies, Say No to Drugs March, Week of Respect, Red Ribbon Week, and many more.