Phone: EXT 22-211


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Degree in Integrative STEM Education and Urban Education with a specialization in ESL from The College of New Jersey Master of Arts in Teaching from The College of New Jersey.

Ms. Stern

Welcome! My name is Alison Stern and I am the 3rd grade Gifted and Talented teacher here at Ceres School! I am very excited to be teaching your child for this school year. I truly believe that parent-teacher communication is essential in providing students with the keys to success. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email at If you are connected on Class Dojo, you may also message me there! 


Office Hours: The best time to reach me with questions or concerns is Monday-Friday 9:35am-10:15am or 3pm-4:30pm