ext. 22-104
My name is Ms. Gonzalez and I am the K-5 Art Teacher here at the A.V. Ceres School!
This year I look forward to teaching your children and continuing their love of Art!
From Kindergarten through Fifth Grade, my students will be introduced to all the elements of Art. Throughout the school year, we will learn about lines, shapes, form, color, texture, space and value. While working with these elements we will be discovering famous artists and their work, new techniques and many fun activities. As your children move up in grade level, they will develop and strengthen the skills they have learned in my classroom. At times, we will even make connections to Math, Reading and Writing during different lessons, helping to reinforce what they are learning in their own classrooms. It is my mission to make my class a fun, safe, creative and welcoming place for your children to learn and develop their artistic abilities. I strongly feel that ALL children are artists!
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!