    HPE Department Wilentz School
    Ext: 27445
    HPE teacher at Robert N. Wilentz Elementary School


    Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year.


    I have been teaching in Perth Amboy for 30 years. I have coached at Perth Amboy high school for 22 years. Boy's JV soccer for 15 years and Varsity bowling for 10 years.


    I will be available via email for any assistance. My email is listed below.



    Helpful Links & Information:


    How to access Google Classroom

    Parents Guide To Google Classroom

    Perth Amboy Main Website

    Robert N. Wilentz School Website

    Robert N. Wilentz School Facebook Page


    As the year continues, I will be updating this website with some cool links that you can click on for information, as well as, fun activities. Check back occasionally for updates



    Thank you,

    Mr. Pomponio