
    Welcome To 4th Grade Room 45!  


           Mrs. Palmadesso

          Special Education



    Ms. Soto


           Ms. Soto

       General Education 




    Homeroom 45 Classroom Remind:

    Please join our Remind so that we can communicate via text or email.

    Text @337d3ag to 81010 to join.

    Important Information for Google Classroom:


    The following link below is our Google Classroom

    The code to enter Ms. Soto and Mrs. Palmadesso's Google classroom is : lsllek3 



    Please make sure that your child has joined our Google Classrooms. Your child must be logged in to their district login in order to join.

    How to join our Google Classrooms:
    1) Please go to google.com
    2) Have your child sign in on the top right corner with their student login (please contact me by email if they do not know it)
    3) Click the waffle icon at top righ corner
    4) Click google classroom app (click the "plus sign" and "join")
    5) Type in the class code provided - lsllek3 



    Office Hours: I will be able to communicate throughout the school day between 9-3 through remind, email or phone as soon as possible.