
    The children learn through study investigations. We study different subjects that are interesting and relatable to preschool children. During studies, children will explore the world around them. Ask your child what he/she is learning in school and ask questions to make connections to their lives at home. 

    Throughout the school year, we will be doing studies that include many different topics, such school, trees, bakery, pets, farm, wheels, authors, ocean, water etc. During our studies, you can talk with your children at home about the importance of each of these studies in our everyday activities. By doing so, you can help us enhance our studies by discussing with them what they know and sharing information with us.  Please share any photos with me that you think are study-related, so I can talk about their drawings in school and make the connection! 


    This year we will be learning about:







    Estamos estudiando sobre:

    Some of the questions you can ask your child include:

    *Why do we buy or use these materials or products?

    *How do these... help us?

    * How do we grow ...?

    * Where can we find........?

    * Why is it important to eat......?

    * What is your favorite....?