






    The Building Beyond Barriers Program (B3) is a project of the RARITAN BAY AREA YMCA that is funded through the NJDOE’s 21st CCLC grant*. The 21st CCLC grant allows the RARITAN BAY AREA YMCA to provide daily after school programming (Monday through Friday) to students at William C. McGinnis School, Samuel E. Shull School and the Perth Amboy High School Freshman Academy at South Campus. Additionally, the grant allows the RARITAN BAY AREA YMCA to offer the program free of cost to all the participants, and their families.


    At the Freshman Academy we offer 45 students the opportunity to engage in daily academic support/ tutoring in addition to hands-on engaging enrichment activities. To better equip students for post high school career and college choices we have identified Career exploration as the central area of focus. We anticipate our participants will leave our program with a better grasp of the types of careers they may be best suited for. Participants in our program will also have opportunities to visit various post high school educational institutions ranging from two and four year colleges, to vocational schools.


    Additionally, the B3 Program at South Campus offers students with Leadership development opportunities. These opportunities are offered formally and informally through our Y-Leaders Club. The Club provides students with opportunities to work in their community by identifying an area of need, developing various projects to address the need, and working toward implementing the solutions they have cultivated. This student driven activity provides a platform to address issues students feel are pertinent to their community, and peers.


    Active participants also receive other benefits such as free trips, including three outdoor adventure trips, and a free Family YMCA membership. For more information or a program application please stop by the main office.


    *Under Title IV, Part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, effective FY 2003, the 21st CCLC programs are defined as centers that offer academic, artistic, and cultural enrichment opportunities to students and their families when school is not in session. The primary goal of the 21st Century Community Learning Center Program is to supplement the education of children who attend low-performing schools and live in high-poverty areas with academic, artistic and cultural enrichment during out-of-school time hours, so that they may attain the skills necessary to meet state core curriculum content standards. In addition, the centers must offer literacy and other educational services to the families of the participating students.


    Click on the link below to download the application.

    Program Application