Health and Physical EducationExt:37-446rhondakelman@paps.netI am a Health and Physical Education teacher at Perth Amboy High School- South Campus. I have taught in Perth Amboy for 25 years and I still enjoy working with the students!!I have several degrees from different universities that I've attended throughout my career. I earned my Bachelor of Science Degree from Penn State University. I have a Master of Science Degree in the speciality of Adult Fitness from the University of Arizona. I also have a Master of Arts Degree from Kean University in Educational Leadership. I enjoy being a student as much as I enjoy being a teacher!!!I have been involved with our Girls' Track and Field program since I started teaching in Perth Amboy. I am currently the Head Coach of Girls' Winter and Spring Track. I encourage all of my student-athletes to be the best they can whether it be in the classroom or on the playing field. My motto is, "If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you!!"I can be reached via the following. My contact email address is rhondakelman@paps.net. I can also be reached via my cell phone in case of emergency @ 609-439-3282. The students in my classes will be invited on to the Google Classrooms for their respective class periods. Here is my schedule for 2020-21Period 1: Duty (office hours)
Period 2: Health and Phys. Ed.
Period 3: Health and Phys Ed
Period 4: Lunch
Period 5: Health and Phys Ed
Period 6: Health and Phys Ed
Period 7: PLC (Professional Learning Community)
Period 8: Health and Phys Ed
Period 9: Health and Phys Ed
Office hours for parental contact are from 8:00 am- 9:00 am Monday through Friday and 12:45pm- 1:30 pm Monday through Friday
The google meet links are listed on these pages. When attending class it is important to always have a working camera focused on the student and to have the speaker on the computer muted to avoid background noises!!
Please make sure to check in to Google Classroom for your daily assignments!! Stay safe!!
Please make sure that you have accepted my invitation to your Google Classroom which corresponds to your Health and PE period!
Let's Have a great year!!