School Counselors
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We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to another amazing school year. We are very happy to be a part of the PAHS Freshman Academy counseling team, supporting our students and their families. It is our hope that this school year will be full of successful experiences for both students and parents. Please feel free to navigate these counseling pages for additional information and resources.
As a freshman, we encourage you to connect with your school counselor so that we can help and support you throughout your first year of high school. If you would like to meet with your school counselor, visit our individual page, where our contact information can be found, or stop by our office during your lunch period to request an appointment.
We welcome every opportunity to meet with our parents/ guardians(s). Please contact us via email or phone to schedule an appointment to address your questions/ concerns. Our contact information can be found by visiting the respective school counselor's page. We are not only here to support your child, but you as parent/guardian(s) as well.
Mrs. Alicia NunezSchool Counselor732-376-6230Ext. 41420alicnunez@paps.netMrs. Juana Santos-StaglianoSchool Counselor732-376-6230Ext. 42436juansantosstagliano@paps.netMrs. Christine LeivaSchool Counselor732-376-6230Ext. 41421chrileiva@paps.netDr. Jessica KrassNon-Traditional School Psychologist732-376-6230Ext. 40439jesskrass@paps.netThe Student Support Team is excited to be a part of the PAHS Freshman Class of 2028. Each day we get the opportunity to meet with students and learn many new things about them, which we love to do! There are many reasons to see and/or meet with a support team member. We help address your academic and social/emotional needs so that you are able to have a successful school year.
We look forward to meeting with you soon! Have a great year!