• Welcome to English 1 Honors with Ms. Sherman

     Please see the following Google Slide show for more information about myself and the English Honors 1 expectations:

    Educational Resources:

    This year we will be our second year with our new textbook series. (College Springboard)
    - Many of our Units have required readings that will require students to utilize their accounts to access the textbook online. 
    - There will be activities, tests, and quizzes for each Unit of Study. The actual grade for these assignments will be available through Infinite Campus, as the textbook does not allow for teachers to modify weight on specific questions. 
    - Students will be assigned independent novels to read, with coordinating assignments and assessments.
      - These will be found in my Google Classroom. This is the main website that will be used to collect student's written work, projects, and the occasional quiz or test. 
    These are quick links to take registered viewers to their classrooms:

    Expectations of Student Work

     Students are expected to complete all assignments on time. Late work will not be accepted unless prefaced or followed by a phone call with the student's parent/guardian. These calls are logged as a means to document interventions for students who may struggle. 
    All students are expected to follow and respect the school's Code of Conduct. The consequences of neglecting those rules and norms could be, but are not limited to:
    - Verbal warning
    - Calls home to parent/guardians
    - Parent-Teacher Meeting/Conference
    - After school or Before school detention ( with a teacher)
    - Lunch detention ( with a teacher)
    - Behavior or Academic intervention plans
    - Write-ups to Administration ( Principal intervention)



    Leveled Text Sets    https://newsela.com/

    Argument     http://www.procon.org/

    Narrative and Informational text practice:   https://www.commonlit.org/en/user/login

    Grammar lessons and Practice: https://www.quill.org/session/new

    College SpringBoard: https://perthamboynj.springboardonline.org/ebook/