

    English as a Second Language Level-1

    Teacher: Daniel Rodriguez

    E-mail: danrodriguez@paps.net

    Course Requirements:

    There will be tests, final exams, quizzes, class work, and homework.

    Grading Policy:

    Tests/Research Projects-65%

    Quizzes/Short Projects/Presentations-30%



    Back to School Presentation



    If you are absent the day of a test/quiz, you need to make it up before or after school on your own time. Retakes are allowed for tests/quizzes, if your homework is completed. Retakes are a privilege and not necessity.

    Attendance Requirement:

    REQUIRED: If you miss a class, you are responsible for all of the work that you missed. You will not be re-taught what missed during the class. Attendance is a must.

    Assessment Rules: No student is permitted to have at his or her desk any books or papers not given out by the teacher. No communication between the students is permitted.




    Please fill out and sign below and just return this bottom portion of the paper with your child tomorrow. Thanks, again. I _______________________ (student) acknowledge the receipt and understanding of the classroom policies.

    Signature __________________   Date _________




    Course Objectives

    This course is designed to expose the students to the fundamentals of English as a Second Language in the areas of: listening, writing, speaking, and reading. The course commences with a simple introduction to the alphabet, numbers, days of the week, and months. It touches on principles of phonics and pronunciation. Additionally, it further develops into building the structures of grammar such as subject-verb agreement using the simple present tense Be, Do/Does. It will develop into irregular past tense verbs, modal auxiliaries, comparative and superlative adjective to construct the foundations of writing. The students will learn how to respond to OEQ’s and other standardized questions to pass PARCC and WIDA/ACCESS state testing.





    English as a Second Language I (ESLI)


    Syllabus & Pacing Guide





    Suggested Time Frame


    Unit 1/All About Me


    6-8  weeks

    Learning Session: 1-3 weeks


    Learning Session 1: Think About Your Name

    Learning Session 2: Learn How Your Family and Culture Are Part of You

    Learning Session 3:  Discover How Your Body Is Unique

    Unit 2/ Wisdom of the Ages

    6-8 weeks

    Learning Session: 1-3 weeks

    Learning Session 1: Find Out How Taking Good Advice Makes Us Wise

    Learning Session 2: Think About The Wisdom of Elders and Mentors

    Learning Session 3:  Think About Different Kinds of Wisdom

    Unit 3/Global Village

    6-8 Weeks

    Learning Session: 1-3 weeks


    Learning Session 1: Talk About How Our Environments Make Us Different

    Learning Session 2: Think About How The Experiences We Share Make Us The Same

    Learning Session 3:  Find Out How Our Hopes and Dreams Make Us Different

    Unit 4/ Survival

    6-8 weeks

    Learning Session: 1-3 weeks

    Learning Session 1: Think About How Luck Helps Survivors

    Learning Session 2: Find Out How Creative Thinking Can Help People Survive

    Learning Session 3:  Explore How The Body and The Mind Work Together For Survival


    English as a Second Language Level-2

    Teacher: Daniel Rodriguez

    E-mail: danrodriguez@paps.net

    Course Requirements:

    There will be tests, final exams, quizzes, class work, and homework.

    Grading Policy:

    Tests/Research Projects-65%

    Quizzes/Short Projects/Presentations-30%



    If you are absent the day of a test/quiz, you need to make it up before or after school on your own time. Retakes are allowed for tests/quizzes, if your homework is completed. Retakes are a privilege and not necessity.

    Attendance Requirement:

    REQUIRED: If you miss a class, you are responsible for all of the work that you missed. You will not be re-taught what missed during the class. Attendance is a must.

    Assessment Rules: No student is permitted to have at his or her desk any books or papers not given out by the teacher. No communication between the students is permitted.




    Please fill out and sign below and just return this bottom portion of the paper with your child tomorrow. Thanks, again. I _______________________ (student) acknowledge the receipt and understanding of the classroom policies.

    Signature __________________   Date _________




    Course Description

    The focus of English as a Second Language (ESL) is to provide continued support of academic English Language Proficiency. ESL is guided by WIDA standards for effective pedagogy. Both WIDA and Common Core Standards guide ESL instruction. All lessons will include a Language Arts objective, as well as an ESL objective. ESL will support and extend the Language Arts objective. The ESL component will also focus on oral language development. ESL should include content area vocabulary, academic language, and concepts related to the grade level curriculum. Specifically for ESL Level 2, there will be continued reinforcement of phonemic awareness of the sounds of English and pronunciation practice.  Reinforcement of phonics instruction that takes advantage of skills transfer from Spanish, and the use of cognates for vocabulary development and reading comprehension will also be incorporated in this course. The development of academic vocabulary and concepts related to the grade-level curriculum will increase as Level 3 students approximate the language of native speakers.










    Suggested Time Frame


    Unit 1: Think Again

    4-6 weeks

    Students explore how different cultures view what influences the way people act

    Unit 2:  Family Matters

    4-6 weeks

    Students explore the signs behind family resemblances and how behavior of parents can make a difference.  Student will also consider what is most important in a given family.

    Unit 3:  True Self

    4-6 weeks

    Students will discover some struggles that people must face about their identity.  They will also explore whether appearance matters and at the end of the unit they will value who they are.   They will learn that they should not be judged by their appearance but by their character

    Unit 4:  Give and Take

    4-6 weeks

    Students explore the behavior of enablers or people who enable others to engage in destruction behavior such as lying, drinking to excess or controlling others.

    Unit 5: Fair Play

    4-6 weeks

    Students explore the Essential Question through reading, writing. They learn and help others how to deal with bullying and respond to their communities’ violence in a non-aggressive way.

    Unit 6: Coming of Age

    4-6 weeks

    Students learn the perception society has on teenagers; and the expectations they have on how teen should behave. They read and evaluate the reality of adults’ responsibilities.

    Unit 7: Making Impressions

    4-6 weeks

    Students learn how to manage stress in a new situation. They recall their own experience when they came to the United States where they have to learn a new language, new culture and make new friends.


    English as a Second Language Level-3

    Teacher: Daniel Rodriguez

    E-mail: danrodriguez@paps.net

    Course Requirements:

    There will be tests, final exams, quizzes, class work, and homework.

    Grading Policy:

    Tests/Research Projects-65%

    Quizzes/Short Projects/Presentations-30%



    If you are absent the day of a test/quiz, you need to make it up before or after school on your own time. Retakes are allowed for tests/quizzes, if your homework is completed. Retakes are a privilege and not necessity.

    Attendance Requirement:

    REQUIRED: If you miss a class, you are responsible for all of the work that you missed. You will not be re-taught what missed during the class. Attendance is a must.

    Assessment Rules: No student is permitted to have at his or her desk any books or papers not given out by the teacher. No communication between the students is permitted.


     Please fill out and sign below and just return this bottom portion of the paper with your child tomorrow. Thanks, again. I _______________________ (student) acknowledge the receipt and understanding of the classroom policies.

    Signature __________________   Date _________



    Course Description


    The focus of English as a Second Language (ESL) is to provide continued support of academic English Language Proficiency. ESL is primarily guided by WIDA standards for effective pedagogy. Common Core Standards also align ESL instruction. ESL will support and extend the Language Arts objectives. The ESL component will also focus on oral language development. ESL should include content area vocabulary, academic language, and concepts related to the grade level curriculum.


    Specifically for ESL Level 3, there will be continued reinforcement of phonemic awareness of the sounds of English and pronunciation practice.  Emphasis on vocabulary development and reading comprehension will also be incorporated in this course. The development of academic vocabulary and concepts related to the grade-level curriculum will increase as Level 3 students approximate the language of native speakers.






    Suggested Time Frame


    Unit 1:  Choices

    8-10 weeks

    Learning Session: 2-3 weeks

    Writing Project: 1-2 weeks

    Learning Session 1: The Effect of Family and Friends on Choices

    Learning Session 2: How Circumstances Affect Choices

    Learning Session 3:  How Society Influences Choices

    Writing Project: Autobiographical Narrative

    Unit 2: Expression

    8-10 weeks

    Learning Session: 2-3 weeks

    Writing Project: 1-2 weeks

    Learning Session 1: Ways to Express Creativity

    Learning Session 2: The Effect of Music on Our Lives

    Learning Session 3:  Ways to Find Your Voice

    Writing Project: Position Paper

    Unit 3:  The Hero Within

    8-10 weeks

    Learning Session: 2-3 weeks

    Writing Project: 1-2 weeks

    Learning Session 1: How Legends Begin

    Learning Session 2: Everyday Heroes

    Learning Session 3:  How Heroes Change the World

    Writing Project: Response to Literature

    Unit 4:  Opening Doors

    8-10 weeks

    Learning Session: 2-3 weeks

    Writing Project: 1-2 weeks

    Learning Session 1: Learning is Power

    Learning Session 2: Books Can Take You Places

    Learning Session 3:  Knowledge Changes the World

    Writing Project: Research Report



    Literacy Extensions

            Literacy Extensions Syllabus

            Course: Literacy Extensions

            Teacher: Mr. Daniel Rodriguez

            Email: danrodriguez@paps.net

                      Course Description

    Course Description

    This Literacy Extensions for English Learners (ELs) Level IV Grades 9-10 curriculum is designed to help students in ESL Level IV become college and career ready. To do this, students must grapple with works of exceptional craft and thought whose range extends across genres, cultures, and centuries. Through wide and deep reading of literature and literary nonfiction of steadily increasing sophistication, students gain a reservoir of literary and cultural knowledge, references, and images; the ability to evaluate intricate arguments; and the capacity to surmount the challenges posed by complex texts. Furthermore, to build a foundation for college and career readiness, students need to learn to use writing as a way of offering and supporting opinions, demonstrating an understanding of the subjects they are studying, and conveying real and imagined experiences and events. They learn to appreciate that a key purpose of writing is to communicate clearly to an external, sometimes unfamiliar audience, and they begin to adapt the form and content of their writing to accomplish a particular task and purpose. They develop the capacity to build knowledge on a subject through research projects and to respond analytically to literary and informational sources. To meet these goals, students must devote significant time and effort to writing and producing numerous pieces over short and extended time frames throughout the year. 

    Marking Period 1-Weeks 1-5

    Unit 1A  -The Writing Process; Independent Reading/Book Choice

    Springboard (Grades 9 and 10 or Grades 11 and 12): Writing Workshop #1 Writing Process: Stages and Strategies-pages 1-14. Mechanics and Grammar: See grammar writing appendices for grammar and mechanics remediation as needed.

    Edge Textbook: Resources to use as support: Writing Handbook Level B Unit 2- Graphic Organizers: Writing Plan, 5Ws and H Chart, Topic Outline. Textbook: Edge Level B Unit 2 Lesson 17 Graphic Organizer to organize their ideas on Reading  


    Independent Reading/Book Choice: May use any of the following suggested books: Hole in My Life (840L), Trino’s Choice (780L), Jumping off to Freedom (850L) or other books (see appendix V1 of the Extension for El’s Curriculum) may be used as per teacher discretion taking into consideration lexile levels and EL student level.

    Marking Period 1-Weeks 6-10

    Unit 1B-Argumentative Writing

    Springboard (Grades 9 and 10 or Grades 11 and 12): Writing Workshop #2 Argumentative Response-pages 15-26. RAFT strategy graphic organizer activity.


    Edge Textbook: Resources to use as support: Unit 2: Before you Read: Worksheet 5 Meet the Characters; Worksheet 16 Character and Adjectives


    Independent Reading/Book Choice: see MP1 Weeks 1-5

    Marking Period 2-Weeks 1-5

    Unit 2A- Response to Literature

    Springboard: Writing Workshop 5: Response to Literature-Short Story-pages 51-70 (grades 9 and 10); pages 67-80 (grades 11 and 12) Springboard Graphic Organizer for TWIST strategy.


    Edge Textbook: Resources to use as support: Level B Volume 1 Unit 3 Lesson 4:  Inference Chart using author’s details and inference diagram lesson 5 and 12. Level B Volume 2  Unit 5 Lesson 2 Unpack the Thinking Process Plot Structure and Lesson 4 Reading Transparency Analyze Structure: Plot 


    Independent Reading/Book Choice:  May use any of the following suggested books:  September 11, 2001 1060L), The Afterlife (810L), Walking Stars (Short Stories) (910L) or other books (see appendix V1 of the Extension for El’s Curriculum)  may be used as per teacher discretion taking into consideration lexile levels and EL student level.

    *If book from MP1 has not been completed, the students can continue reading the same book from MP1.

    Marking Period 2-Weeks 6-10

    Unit 2B Narrative Writing: Short Story

    Springboard: Writing Workshop 4: Narrative Writing: Short Story: pages 37-50 (grades 9 and 10) and pages 53-66 (grades 11 and 12).  


    Edge Textbook: Resources to use as support: Level B Volume 1 Unit 3 Lesson 1:  Brainstorm mapping, Lesson 2 Word Maps (Unit 5 lesson 2) , and Lesson 3 Definition Map.

    Refer back to MP2 weeks 1-5. Unit 2A : Textbook: Edge Level B Volume 2  Unit 5 Lesson 2 Unpack the Thinking Process Plot Structure and Lesson 4 Reading Transparency Analyze Structure: Plot 


    Independent Reading/Book Choice:  See MP2 Unit 2A


    *If book from MP1 has not been completed, the students can continue reading the same book from MP1.

    Marking Period 3-Weeks 1-5

    Unit 3A  Research Writing

    Springboard: Writing Workshop 6: Research Writing-pages 73-84 (grades 9 and 10) and pages 81-90 (grades 11 and 12)  


    Edge Textbook: Resources to use as support: Level B Volume 1 Unit 4 Writing Project Overview Rubric, Lesson 1: Writing Plan Graphic Organizer, Lesson 3 Graphic Organizer on revision checklist and Lesson 4 transparencies for editing and proofreading 


    Independent Reading/Book Choice:  May use any of the following suggested books: Parrot in the Oven (990L), Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1030L), Warriors Don’t Cry (1000L) or other books (see appendix V1 of the Extension for El’s Curriculum) may be used as per teacher discretion taking into consideration lexile levels and EL student level.


    * If book from MP2 has not been completed the students can continue reading the same book from MP2.

    Marking Period 3-Weeks 6-10

    Unit 3B NJSLA Boot Camp; Independent Reading/Book Choice

    NJSLA Boot Camp Textbook: Springboard Writing Workshops and Grammar Activities as per teacher discretion (Grades 9 and 10 or Grades 11 and 12)


    Edge Textbook: Resources to use as support: Level B Unit 4- Vocabulary Reading Transparencies


    Independent Reading/Book Choice: see MP3 Unit 3A

    Marking Period 4-Weeks 1-5

    Unit 4A-Drama Study

    Springboard: Writing Workshop and Grammar Activities (Grades 9 and 10 or Grades 11 and 12) as per teacher discretion. Writing Workshop Graphic Organizer QHT chart 


    Edge Textbook: Resources to use as support: Level B Volume 2 Unit 7 Lesson 3 Reading Transparency: Compare Representations: Script and Performance; Lesson 4 Graphic Organizer on the elements of drama; Lesson 4 Mental Images Graphic Organizer 


    Drama Study: May use either one of the following suggested for drama study unit: A Raisin in the Sun by Langston Hughes Play (available also in Edge Level B Unit 7), Romiette and Julio (610L) or other plays may be used as per teacher discretion taking into consideration lexile levels and EL student level.

    Marking Period 4-Weeks 6-10

    Unit 4B-Script Writing

    Springboard: Writing Workshop #9 pages 111-124 (grades 9 and 10) and pages 119-132 (grades 11 and 12) 


    Edge Textbook: Resources to use as support: Level B Volume 2 Unit 7 Lesson 4: Out of School Literacy:  Interpreting Television or Stage Performances Guiding Questions; Compare Representations Script and Performance; Graphic Organizer show Characters on Stage 


    Drama Study: May use either one of the following suggested for drama study unit: A Raisin in the Sun by Langston Hughes Play (available also in Edge Level B Unit 7), Romiette and Julio (610L) or other plays may be used as per teacher discretion taking into consideration lexile levels and EL student level.


                              Course Expectations

    • Always try your best.
    • When you work hard, work harder.
    • Participate in class in a respectful manner.
    • Raise your hand if you have a question.
    • No walking around the classroom.
    • Attend the learning center for tutoring.
    • Help your peer.
    • No cell phones in the classroom.
    • Always bring your computer to the classroom.
    • Hand in work on time. Otherwise, you will lose points.
    • If you’re out, it’s your responsibility to make-up the missing work.
    • You must use a classroom voice. **No yelling!
    • You must speak English in the classroom.
    • Please use your computer in a professional manner. 
    • You will need a notebook to take notes.
    • Your computer must be charged at home.
    • Ask questions.
    • When you enter the classroom, you must start working on the “Do Now” immediately.
    • No eating in the classroom.
    • Do not change the air conditioning setting.
    • Be flexible.
    • Smile :)  :)  :)
    • Please say thank you.
    • Coping= a zero grade.