• homework

    Homework is the key to succeeding in 4th grade. Homework will be given Monday through Thursday unless otherwise noted. Students are expected to be responsible for copying down their own homework in their notebook pad, bringing home the materials necessary to complete it, and returning it on time. Neatness is always noticed and appreciated. Missing homework assignments will impact their final marking period grades.
    HOMEWORK TIPS Doing homework not only builds a sense of competence in your child, but also fosters good study habits, responsibility and independence. Tips to make homework easier for both you and your child:
    1. Create a "Homework Zone" for your child: Pick a place in your house where your child can complete his or her homework each day. Great places are a desk or even the kitchen table. The ideal "Homework Zone" is quiet and well lit.
    2. Help your child with time management: Try to set a time each day when homework will be completed. Try not to leave homework until right before bedtime.
    3. Be positive about homework: Tell your child how important school is. Usually the attitude parents express about homework is the one their child will acquire.
    Your child will have homework every night in Math, Spelling, and Reading. They are responsible for bringing their homework home and then returning it back into school the next day. They will read every night for 20 minutes and you must sign their Reading Log every night. Put the folder in a safe place where your child and yourself will be able to have it visible so that you can sign and have your child place it in their homework folder. I will collect this folder on Fridays and give them credit as a homework assignment. Having a library card from the public library in Perth Amboy is very important. 
    It's imperative that your child knows their multiplication facts by the time we start school Please work with your child every night. Use flash cards, write them down on a piece of paper a few times in a row, there are games online that your child can play every night-try and make it a fun game. I have included math websites that your child can practice every day. The only way they will memorize their facts is by practicing them and gaining confidence within themselves that they can do it!