• History

    The Edmund Hmieleski, Jr. Early Childhood Center opened its doors in September, 2009.   We welcomed 400 students and a staff of 85 to begin our early childhood instruction in a beautiful, state-of-the art structure.  The building was all on one level, with sinks in the art area, bathrooms in the classrooms, Smartboards and computers for use by students and staff.
    Most of the staff that transferred to Hmieleski were housed in the old St. Mary’s High School on Mechanic Street.  It was a four-story building with many steps, bathrooms in the hallways, no air conditioning, and one large all-purpose room.  It lacked outside play areas.   For eight years, we waited for our new school to open while serving 4 year olds and in it’s last three years, three-year old students.
    The staff worked very hard at that facility, overcoming the issues of a prek environment set up in an old high school classroom setting. Teachers and paraprofessionals excelled at their educational skills, making up for what was lacking in the environment.  In addition, the positive interactions with students helped St. Mary's Center School effectively perform at high levels in the state’s ratings even with no running water or bathrooms in the classrooms.
    Today, our staff has expanded to more than 100 members, maintaining 27 classrooms and 21st century technology.