All the policies and procedures can be found in the Early Childhood Handbook given out at site orientation to every pre-k parent. Parents are required by the state to sign off on this handbook so they understand all of the rules governing their child’s attendance at the early childhood centers.
Some highlights are:
Parents do not need to worry about children eating or going to the bathroom. During the school day, breakfast, snack, and lunch are scheduled. Frequent handwashing and bathroom trips are embedded into the class schedule. If anything is out of the ordinary, the school nurse or the teacher will contact parents directly over the concern. Parents should make sure they have up-to-date phone numbers to reach out to the family.
Clothing should be loose fitting and easy for the child to help them in bathrooming themselves or to play without tight clothing hampering their movements.
Attendance: Regular attendance is essential to success in the program. Any unexplained and frequent absences will be addressed and a student may be terminated from the program for excessive absences.
If a child is absent more than 3 (three) days, contact will be made by school personnel. After 10 (ten) days, the child’s space may be lost.
Lateness-children are expected in school no later than 8:35 AM. If a child is late to school 2 (two) times, a verbal warning will be given. On the 3rd (third) lateness, a written notice will be given to the parent and placed in the child’s file. On the 4th (fourth) lateness, a meeting with the principal will be required before the child can return to school. Frequent lateness may terminate a child from the program.
Bad Weather-Make sure your phone numbers are current and up-to-date so you receive the School Messenger call about school closings or delayed openings. Tune into local Perth Amboy cable channels or listen to the radio stations listed in the handbook. All robo calls and the school website will provide additional information.