PTO / Parent Involvement
Home School LiaisonCarolyn Arlequin
732.376.6060 ext. 26464
We agree to work together to the best of our abilities, as educators, parents, and students, to fulfill our common goal of improving school programs and the school climate.
PTO News
Should your child play video games??Question: My child loves video games. But I am worried about their effects on him. Should I ban them altogether??
Answer: Only you can decide if video games are right for your child. If you let him play remember that video games should:
Match your child's interests.
Maybe he loves sports or chess.
Teach positive lessons.
Some games emphasize math, reading, or friendship.
Provide fun without violence
Notice what games are rated-and preview them yourself.
Have respectable characters.
Watch out for games that put people in stereotypical roles.
Allow more than one player.
This makes playing a social activity.
Not interfere with school or family time.
Set firm limits on video games use.
Suit your child's age.
Keep in mind that games rated "E for Everyone" still may be too hard or contain violence.More PTO Information coming soon...