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    Department: 8th Grade
    Language Arts
    Room 328
    Ext: x26-328
    Welcome to 8th grade Language Arts! This is my 11th year at Shull School, and I look forward to an amazing year. By working together and staying focused, I believe we can all accomplish great things!
    Feel free to contact me via email with any questions or concerns.
    I am available for conferences from 9:02 - 9:44 AM.
    *If you would like to meet in person, you must make an appointment at least one day prior. Phone and video conferences can be scheduled via e-mail that same day.
    Grading Policy:
    Assessments (tests, quizzes, projects, and essays) - 60%
    Homework - 5%
    Class Work- 35%
    *All assignments should be completed on time, or it will be a zero.
    Writers Workshop Unit 1: Memoir
    Readers Workshop Unit 1: Investigating Characterization/Critical Literacy
    Keep up with Google Classroom for all assignments.