
    Course   Course Expectations - Eighth Grade Language Arts

    For this course, you will immerse yourself in the English language - exploring texts, writing in varied genres, analyzing articles, writing creatively, incorporating research, sharing your views, discussing ideas, playing with words, increasing your vocabulary, viewing performances, speaking effectively, and building all of your skills. I will help you improve your ability to read, write, think, speak, and discuss. I will challenge you to see ideas from different perspectives, and we will teach each other. I will help you increase your confidence, and celebrate the emerging and amazing person you are becoming. My expectations of you are that you come to class, excited to learn - ready to engage - eager to grow. I expect you to be prepared, be interested, and be open to new ideas. I will absolutely ask a lot of you - and hopefully, when the year is over, you will thank me for challenging you, and for encouraging you to reach your personal best. Teaching English to adolescents is my dream job. It is my honor and my privilege to be your teacher.