Freire, Karen
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Classroom rules should be followed at all times.
Class Rules
1. Be on time, on task and prepared to learn
2. No Calling out. Raise your hand. Use hand
signals. #HandSignals #ThereAreRules3. Follow the dress code. Hoodies are not allowed.
4. Respect the teacher, the classroom, other
students, and yourself #BeNice #BeKind
#NoBulliesAllowed5. I love hearing from you, please participate.
#Participate6. No texting or phone calls while in class.
#OnlyWithPermission #NoTexting7. Bring your charged chromebook daily. #ChargeChromebooksAtHome
8. Walk in the hallway in a respectful way. Remember you represent Shull and Ms. Freire. #WeAreTheBest
9. No giving up! It's okay if we don't succeed at first. The important thing is to never give up. Always get back up. #NeverGiveUp #Persevere
* Should any remote learning take place, Chromebook cameras must be on at all times.
It is important to note that learning is a partnership. Students must actively participate during class by paying close attention, thinking, practicing, etc. Students should come to class prepared to learn. Students should always persevere and never give up. Education should be a priority both in school and at home. Learning does not end when they walk out of my classroom but continues in every aspect and moment of life.
Google Classroom Codes:
Mods 3-6 : 2w7kiz2
Mods 10-13: rhxia7z
Mods 14-17: p3t77w4
Middle School Girl's Soccer: svqakop