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Title III Bilingual Summer Program for English Language Learners

Dates: July 6 - July 29, 2022

Time: 8:00 am - 12:30 pm 

Locations: K-4 at Dr. Herbert N. Richardson Elementary School and 5-8 at Samuel E. Shull Middle School

Curriculum Focus: Language Arts Literacy, ESL and Math basic skills.

Program is only open to English Learners (EL) in levels 1 and 2 who are in need of academic support.


The Bilingual Program for English Language Learners will focus on the  reinforcement of grade-level skills and concepts that are aligned to the grade level curriculum and standards. This will help to prepare them for the upcoming 2021-22 school year.  Students in grades K-8 will be provided the opportunity for supplemental support in language arts and math. 

Students will be identified based on student performance data and teacher recommendation. The program will focus on students in Levels 1 and 2 as per their EnglishLanguage Proficiency (ELP).  All students in Levels 3 will participate in the General Education Summer Programs. Transportation will be provided ONLY to students who qualify.