Gifted and Talented Program
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Gifted and Talented Program
The Perth Amboy Public School Gifted and Talented program fosters a love of learning. The district is committed to a model that values differentiated instruction, one in which classroom teachers work to tailor instruction and content to match student ability level. Our Gifted and Talented program is designed to address the unique social and emotional needs of children by promoting self-understanding, awareness of needs, and cognitive and affective growth.
The district's goal is to inspire and support this special group of learners to embrace challenges and opportunities. The intent of all levels of Gifted and Talented programming is to honor the "whole child, every child" in developing student competencies that forge lifelong learners and innovators.
Goals of the Gifted and Talented Program- To promote critical thinking, reasoning, and creativity,
- To develop complex problem-solving strategies,
- To build strong interpersonal communication skills,
- To provide an opportunity for students to explore ideas and interest,
- To provide an environment that encourages divergent thinking
Continuum of Services
Gifted and Talented services are available to all students who meet the established criteria. See below the continuum of services offered to gifted and talented students :
- Grades K-2: Students are provided with enrichment activities, including field trips and individualized activities to meet students needs
- Grades 3-5: Self-contained, full-day placement for students who meet the established criteria
- Grades 6-12: Enrichment and advanced coursework options, including:
- Advanced courses (grades 6-8)
- Honors courses (grades 9-12)
- Advanced Placement (AP) courses (grades 9-12)
- Dual enrollment courses (grades 10-12)
Click here for our published Gifted and Talented Policy, including the Complaint Process.