Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Office of the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Damian O. Medina
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Phone: (732) 376-6200 ext. 30-110Ms. Jahayra NunezEmail:
Confidential Secretary ext 30-111
As we embark upon our remote learning journey, our Curriculum and Instruction Team of Directors, Supervisors, and Instructional Leaders will continue to support our staff.
Our Team will connect with teachers and empower them to instruct our children via technology. Internet Podcasts, videos and other resources will be provided to our teachers by our Team.
Online Resources:
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Each e-book in this free three-book series contains 12 age-appropriate stories for K-12 students. The Chicken Soup for the Soul website includes supplemental photos and videos and worksheets. Download the free eBooks at
Amazing Educational Resources - Links to HUNDREDS of online resources compiled by educators across the country. These resources are all currently free.
Virtual Field Trips:
Take a break & explore - Links to Virtual Field Trips you can take from your home.
US National Parks Tours
Yosemite National Park Tour
Great Wall of China Tour
Virtual Dives with NOAA
American Museum of Natural History
National Geographic Kids
Smithsonian Learning Lab
Getty Museum Resources
Kinder Art Resources
Happiness is Homemade Art Lessons
Smithsonian Resources
The Art of Education Resources
PBS Digital Studios – The Art Assignment
Art 21 Resources
Khan Academy Art History
The Museum of Modern Art Learning Resources
PBS Digital Studios – The Art Assignment
Art 21 Resources
Khan Academy Art History
Sadie Valeri Atelier – Online Art Classes and Videos
The Museum of Modern Art Learning Resources
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Cincinnati Zoo
San Diego Zoo Live Cameras
New England Aquarium Virtual Visit
30 Day Reading Challenge for Kids
- Read in the dark (use a flashlight / torch)
- Read while dressed up like a book character
- Read in a den / fort
- Read out loud in a funny voice
- Read the story then make up your own ending
- Do 3 jumping jacks / star jumps after reading each page
- Read under a cozy blanket
- Read in a whisper
- Read on a screen (phone / tablet / computer)
- Read outside
- Have a reading snack (cheese and crackers look like the pages of a book!)
- Sing each sentence after you read it
- Write a sentence about the book when you finish
- Read to your toys
- Read to someone on the phone
- Squeeze a ball of play dough while you read
- Read under the table
- Read while standing on one leg like a flamingo
- Retell the story to someone after you finish reading
- Read upside down
- Draw a picture of the story
- Balance a book on your head while you read
- Write a letter to a character in the book after reading
- Read in a tent
- Read wearing sunglasses
- Build a Lego scene of the story
- Use puppets to act out the story
- Make a reading pointer and use it to follow along while you read
- Record yourself reading and watch it back
- Make funny faces while you read
- Choose your favorite way to read and do it again!
Communicating with Students Effectively During Online Learning
Please review this resource for best practices of student / teacher communication during remote learning:
Communicating with Students Effectively During Online Learning