• Nick!  Staff Photo
    Ext: x24210
     Hello, My name is Mr. Harning and this is my 18th year teaching Life Science at William C. McGinnis Middle School and my 21st year teaching overall! I have a B.S. in Marine Biology from Stockton State College '92 and a NJ Alternate Route Teaching certificate. I hold a K-8 Elementary and K-12 Biology license. 
     Despite teaching Life Science for 19 years at the middle school level, this remote virtual learning is all new to me, as it is for everyone else. For now, our class/district requirements for students are as follows.
    Students shall follow the daily school schedule as if they were actually in the building.
    Students are expected to be awake, upright, dressed, logged in to homeroom and ready to learn by 801 am each day.
    Students are required to have their cameras turned on and their microphones muted, unless speaking to the teacher, at all times. No avatars on screen.
    Students are allowed to use the blur feature if they wish.
    Students are expected to be responsible for their school devices and report all technology issues as soon as possible via the school technology link provided. 
    Students are expected to complete and submit all assignments on Google classroom when they are due. Email me for any extenuating circumstances where you may need extra time. Whatever classwork is not completed during class becomes homework. 
    Students are expected to review each days work or notes for homework.
    Formal assessments = 60%
    Classwork = 35%
    Homework = 5%
    danharning@paps.net  or from your students Google classroom page
    (About you and/or your classes and/or your job)
    (Add photos, videos, different fonts, and more!)