• Singh      

     My name is Mrs. Singh & I am currently teaching 7th grade.  At this grade level the focus is

     life science. I have high expectations of my students and only expect the best from them.

     email: kimbsingh@paps.net.  732-376-6040 ext 24610

    Work Expectations:  

    No late work is accepted, the only exception is if a student is absent.  They then have 2 days to make up                                                                                    the work.

    Students have no textbook, therefore they must have their folder, notebook, pen & highligher EVERYDAY.

    In the students' folder are all the worksheets & notes that students need to complete their work.

    Notebooks are used for Do nows and notes.

    Students are required to use the Cornell Notes format.


    Grading policy:

    Tests & quizzes 60%

    Classwork: 35%

    Homework: 5%