Dura, Kristin
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Language Arts732-376-6040krisweyrick@paps.netWelcome to my Teacher Page!I am available daily from 11:40-12:00 Monday-Friday"It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop"-Confucius
I will be utilizing a parent-teacher communication app called "REMIND." This is a FREE, secure app that can be downloaded to any iPhone or Android device, which will allow me to communicate easily with you via secured text-messaging. I will be sending out "Reminders" in regards to upcoming tests, projects, field trips, etc. This will not take the place of email communication. However, it will allow me to quickly send out a brief reminder to everyone at once. If you would like to participate in receiving texts via the Reminder App, please join by texting:@c3cb364 to the following number: 81010.