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Summer STEAM Camp

Location: Robert N. Wilentz School

Grades: 3-8 + Cyberpatriots from the High School

Dates: July 1, 2019 - July 26, 2019, (Monday-Friday)

Times: 8:30am-12:30pm

Under the Supervision of:  Dr. Courtney Pepe


The 2019 Summer STEAM program will invite students in grades 3-8 for an interdisciplinary learning experience. Units will be developed collaboratively by the Supervisors of Educational Technology, VPAM, Science, and Math. There will be a culminating project/assessment that will be performance based. The program will be driven by analysis of the district data. Focus: student achievement in math. This program is open to to gifted and talented students in grades 3-5, advanced and honors students in grades 6-8, and identified math cusp students grades 6-8. Under the supervision of the STEAM program we will also have Cyberpatriot Component for students grades 7-12.