• Role of the Student Assistance Counselor

    Student Assistance Counselors (SACs) are specially trained to provide support, help one explore various issues and develop healthy and effective coping strategies together. They also provide information and assistance with getting one connected to outside help if needed.

    They provide a safe and CONFIDENTIAL place to talk with students about many issues such as:

    1. Coping Skills
    2. Anger Management
    3. Grief/Loss
    4. Eating Disorders/Body Image Issues
    5. Divorce/Family Concerns
    6. Relationship Issues
    7. Sexuality (Orientation/Identity) Issues
    8. Stress/Anxiety
    9. Bullying
    10. Depression
    11. School Phobia
    12. Substance Use/Abuse Issues 

     Students can be linked to the SAC in three (3) ways:

    1. Students may be referred by a faculty member, family member or a friend out of concern about specific behaviors which indicates that the student may be dealing with a variety of personal problems.
    2. Students may self-refer, seeking a confidential place to discuss personal issues.
    3. Students may be asked to participate as a result of violating the school’s drug and alcohol policy, on the premise that students who are using at school may have well-developed problems with drugs or alcohol.