Math Classroom Expectations

  • Absences: When a student is absent, it is their responsibility to make up the work they missed. They can get notes from a classmate, or come find me before or after class. For each day a student is absent, they have a number of school days to make up and hand in missed assignments.If an assignment is not handed in, it will be marked as an "M" (missing which = 0)

    Late Policy: Deadlines are very important. Assignments should always be handed in on time. For each day an assignment is late, 10 points will be deducted from the highest possible score. There are exceptions and some students may have extended time to complete an assignment. If this is the case, I will speak to the student on an individual basis. 

    Cell Phones: There will be absolutely NO cell phones in class. If there is an issue with this and the student needs to be spoken to regarding this, a call will be made home to discuss the situation at hand. This year all students have been given a number assigned to 3 separate pocket charts. This will be their number all school year. One is for calculators (which have been provided) which must go back into the pocket when not in use. The second one is for headphones (also provided). These too must not leave school and be placed back in the pocket chart. The third one is for the students' cell phones. They will need to put it in their assigned numbered pocket upon entering class.  They will take it with them as soon as we pack up to transition to the next class.  They are NOT to leave it in class,  

    Dress Code: Uniforms are strictly enforced. You should wear your uniform every day. There are absolutely NO HOODIES!

    Food and Drink: There is no eating, drinking or chewing gum in my class. Water is allowed with permission as there is a water fountain in class. PLEASE COME TO SCHOOL WITH A REFILLABLE WATER BOTTLE.  

                                                                                       ******  ALLERGY ALERT!!! ******

    There are several serious food allergies in class this year.

    Due to the severity and danger it could cause, there will be no food at all allowed in our classroom.