                                                          Janet Greve
    •                 Teacher of English and Journalism at Main Campus
                                                Email: janegreve@paps.net
                                                Google Voice: 732-734-1703
       *Parents.......you are welcome to request access or email me at anytime through your child's google classroom! 
                Please email me for the appropriate code. 
    I know that each child that crosses the threshold into my room can learn......they may not think so, but I know so!
    My goal as an English Teacher is to provide a safe environment in which every child feels valued, feels accepted and feels successful.
    As a parent, I hope you support my goal to make your child a better reader, an insightful writer and a more thoughtful individual.
    As my student, I hope you allow yourself to become more open-minded, more in tune with the world we live in and surely more confident in your own abilities!
    My goal as an educator has always been to know the whole child.  Each child has a story, a unique personality that needs to be explored and I hope my class will give them that opportunity.
    I have been teaching for 17 years, first at McGinnis, then at South Campus and now at Main.  This is a second career for me.
    I am blessed to have found 2 careers that have fit me so well.  I am a proud graduate of Middlesex County College and Kean University. I am proud to say that this year I will receive a Master's Degree from Seton Hall University, a lifelong dream of mine.
    I currently live in Colonia with my husband of 40 years. I have three sons.  I also have a goofy yellow lab named Tucker and a Morkie named Sophie Mae
    I am also the incredibly proud grandmother of three beautiful girls named Brooke (18) Gabby (17) , Lily (14) ,  Addie Grace (4) and Lydia (2). Nothing gives me more joy that reading with them!