Lopez, Dionne
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Degrees and Certifications:
Lab Biology (Communication Academy)
Biology is a laboratory science course based on the study of living things at molecular, cellular and
organismal level.
In this course students explore biological concepts through an inquiry approach and
enhance scientific thinking, analytical skills, laboratory techniques and critical thinking.
This course provides opportunity for students to develop an in-depth understanding of specific
disciplinary core ideas related to five science topics: 1) Structure and Function, 2) Inheritance and
Variation of Traits, 3) Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems, 4) Interdependent Relationships
in Ecosystems, and 5) Natural Selection and Evolution.
The performance expectations for high school life
science blend core ideas with scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts to support
students in developing useable knowledge that can be applied across the science disciplines.
Contact me at: dionlopez@paps.net
Google Classroom codes:
PERIOD 1: bkafuay
PERIOD 3: szokzmc
PERIOD 5: hknhgqs
PERIOD 8: 4r54utw
Remind Codes:
PERIOD 1: @geek96f
PERIOD 3: @b463b49
PERIOD 5: @4kg2eg8
PERIOD 8: @86kfb8