Environmental Science and Chemistry
Google Classroom codes - invitations sent to students directly.
Period 1 - PLC (Lab - Thursdays)
Period 2 - CP Chemistry & Homeroom: (Room 313, LAB - Thursdays, Period 1/2)
Period 3 - CP Chemistry: (Room 313, LAB - Wednesdays, Period 3/4)
Period 4 - LUNCH, Labs - Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Period 5 - CP Chemistry: (Room 313, LAB - Tuesdays, Period 4/5)
Period 6 - L3 Chemistry: (Room 323, LAB - Thursdays, Period 5/6)
Period 7 - CP Chemistry (Room 313, LAB - Fridays, Period 6/7)
Period 8 - CP Chemistry (Room 313, LAB - Wednesdays, Period 8/9)
Period 9 - Prep
Ms. Mercier has taught science in Perth Amboy for fifteen (15) years. She has a teaching degree in Comprehensive Science from Trenton State College (now the College of New Jersey) and enjoys tutoring after school. Most summers she attends one or more Professional Development workshops and looks forward to sharing her knowledge, learning and resources. She is excited to continue teaching students Chemistry and tutoring in the Learning Center/Media Center after school. She may even teach (your) Credit Recovery Science class/es and looks forward to meeting each and every one of you.Here are a few/some fun and interesting Chemistry links:2023 - Noble Prize in Chemistry -C&EN’s (Chemistry and Engineering) Year in Chemistry -
American Chemical Society (ACS) resources:Science resources:CHEMISTRY:Discovery Education TECHBOOK -AURUM SCIENCE Chemistry -PSI Chemistry resources are available at:PHYSICS resources:Discovery Education TECHBOOK -PSI Physics resources are available at:BIOLOGY resources:Discovery Education TECHBOOK -AURUM SCIENCE Biology -Environmental Science -EARTH AND SPACE (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE) resources: Discovery Education TECHBOOK -AURUM SCIENCE Environmental Science -Environmental Science [Ecology Unit] resource/link: http://www.njctl.org/courses/science/biology/ecology/