• The PAHS Panteras Show Choir is an auditioned ensemble that comprises mostly of students that are interested in contemporary, popular, or jazz styles of music.  Auditions are held the second week of school in September. This group rehearses after school, once a week. Members of this choir perform regularly through in-school performances, university workshops and competition, as well as community based performances.

    The 2 Subgroups within the Panteras Show Choir are

    "Las Claves de Sol" also known as the PAHS Treble Choir, is a smaller vocal group comprised of only Sopranos & Altos from the auditioned 

    PAHS Show Choir .  Students part of this ensemble sing a variety of vocal literature reflecting the best in music written or arranged for treble voices. "Back 2 Bassics" , also known as, the PAHS Bass Choir, a smaller vocal group comprised of only Tenors & Basses from the auditioned 

    PAHS Show Choir. This ensemble sing a variety of vocal literature reflecting the best in music written or arranged for Bass voices. 

    Director: Mr. Jeffrey Pando

    Rehearsals are Monday Afternoons from 3:30PM-6:00PM