Mr. Signor's Home Page
email address:
Teacher: Gary 'David' Signor
This page was updated on September 4, 2020
It was Specially Modified for the Corona Virus- Home Learning
Google Classroom Codeswere sent to you via school email.
Send me an email if you have not gotten an email from me by now. Gary
Google Classroom will be our central meeting/information place.
Students: Get ready for a different type of school year, no teacher or student has had a year like this before.
The first marking period will be home-schooled. It will take effort and disapline to succeed. Stay alert and follow instructions.
You are in a great class; my Science class. Both of these subjects are naturally interesting and useful for life.
For now, please understand: You MUST Attend My Class Via Google Meet, every day at the scheduled time, or you will be marked absent.
You must attend 90% of your classes in order to pass. That is equal to about 17 absences for the year. Think ahead. Handing in the work is NOT enough, you must attend my classes.
Tip1: Get organized. Being organized is a lot less work than being disorganized. Get folders, write schedules, keep notes, etc.
Tip2: Take this opportunity to strengthen yourself in as many ways as possible. Mentally, physically, socially, etc. **
Tip3: If you feel like you might have the corona virus, do the following:
Stay calm. It is rarely life threatening to people under 50-years old.
Tell an adult.
Call your doctor or hospital for instructions. I don't suggest just going to them, you may get stuck waiting and infect more people. Calling first is a safe policy being used in many parts of the U.S.
Stay away from other people. Stay home.
Symptoms (as per CDC): People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported:
Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting and/or Diarrhea.
These are just my tips. Get Professional Help.
** 10 Ways to Gain Strength
Read more.
Eat real food, not food-like products. Become food-educated. Watch 'Food Matters'.
Listen to NPR radio. 93.9 FM. or click: Listen Live
Get outdoors. Be adventurous. Get exercise.
The experiences you have in video games, social media or internet . . . are not experiences. Get Real.
Include people who "are Not like you" in your life.
Read more.
Less Entertainment, more Education. Watch non-fiction.
Respect anyone trying to teach you something. Thank them.
To have a good friend, you must be a good friend. Friendships are important.