•  Ms. Landi Ms. Landi
     Department: Special Education
    Course: English
    Email: tinalandi@paps.net
     Ms. Landi's Webpage
    "Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or in the same way."
       ~George Evans
     Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!
    Period 1: English III - ICR/DeMuro
    Period 2: Panther STEP English - POR/Clark 
    Period 5: English II - ICR/Rodriguez
    Period 7: English II - ICR/Kleckner
    Period 8- English II - ICR/DeMuro
    Period 9- English III - POR/Mendoza
    I tutor in the Panther Enrichment Center after school. 

     Ms. Landi's Educational Background, Awards, and Professional Memberships

    • B.A. English & Special Education - Kean University (May 2009)
    • M.A. Special Education - Kean University (May 2022)
    • LDT-C Certification - Kean University (May 2023)
    • Phi Kappa Phi - (National Collegiate Honor Society) (May 2022)
    • Lambda Alpha Sigma  (National Collegiate Honor Society) (May 2009)
