I love teaching, and I love math! I've wanted to be a teacher since kindergarten, and I've wanted to teach math since middle school. My favorite math subject is Geometry, although I'm pretty fond of Calculus, too. I mostly teach Geometry, which makes me pretty happy :)
At home, I have two daughters, a husband, two cats, and a chinchilla! In my (rare) spare time, I like watching anime and reading.
Most of my classes are part of the Communications Academy: Check out more information here! There isn't a huge difference between my academy classes and those outside the academy, but I may assign some projects related to media and communications. Occasional projects are done in conjunction with other academy classes, but I try to give my non-academy students the same grade opportunities as my Comms students wherever possible.
If you have any questions, you can contact me by email at suzasalazar@paps.net, or use google classroom / Remind to reach me (links below).
Important Links:
Keep an eye on your grade with Infinite Campus! There's an app, too, so you can get alerts every time I put in a new grade. Parents: if you're not signed up for the parent portal, please contact the main office!!!
See what's going on in the class with Google Classroom. You MUST sign in with your school email address!
Geometry CP - Text @salageo to the number 81010 to sign up for Remind, or click here, so you can get alerts for what’s happening in class, or ask for help! (Parents and students welcome)
Geometry Honors - Text @salageoh to the number 81010 to sign up for Remind, or click here, so you can get alerts for what’s happening in class, or ask for help! (Parents and students welcome)
College Math - Text @salacm to the number 81010 to sign up for Remind, or click here, so you can get alerts for what’s happening in class, or ask for help! (Parents and students welcome)
Algebra 1 - Text @salaalg1 to the number 81010 to sign up for Remind, or click here, so you can get alerts for what’s happening in class, or ask for help! (Parents and students welcome)
Class IG - This is mostly for general school stuff (like spirit days or sharing out major building announcements). Occasionally I also share math jokes and photos of my kids doing toddler-math :)
- Schedule a Google Meet appointment with me through my Google Calendar here. Select any available appointment and access the Google Meet link during your appointment slot.
- My Google Site.