

Degrees and Certifications:

Isaac Lung

Instructor: Mr. Lung                                                                         


Class Information:

The primary purpose of this course is to provide you with some of the basic concepts in Sociology and an understanding of how Sociological research is conducted. 


Throughout the course, an attempt will be made to connect what we are studying to real life situations.  It is important that you learn to determine the usefulness of information/research gathered by the Social Scientists.


-To acquire an overview of the social world.

-To develop a theoretical and substantive understanding of the study of Sociology.

-To gain knowledge of various theoretical perspectives for understanding human social activity.

-To investigate concepts of social life such as culture and institutions.


A variety of activities will be done in class including written assignments, Internet and computer activities pertaining to chapter concepts, group and individual participation, and individual projects.


Your grade will be based on completed classwork (40% of marking period grade) and summative assessments (60% of marking period grade).

Course Expectations:

  • Class assignments are to be followed in the order given and turned in by the “due” date. Late assignments will be accepted with a loss of a letter grade for each day it was late unless you were absent with proper documentation.
  • All work is to be submitted to me through Google Classroom.
  • Neatness counts. Most assignments will be done on the computer but on occasion, there may be handwritten assignments. If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it.
  • Remember the Golden Rule. Treat everyone in the room with the same amount of respect you would want for yourself.
  • No food or drink are allowed in the classroom unless you have a medical exception note from the School Nurse.
  • Students are required to wear their mask correctly (nose and mouth are covered) at all times.
  • No electronic devices or cell phones are allowed to be used unless directed so by me.
  • Academic Integrity is an expectation at Perth Amboy High School. Plagiarism, cheating and collusion are prohibited. Plagiarism is defined as passing of another person’s work as your own. Students who fail to observe these standards will be given a zero for the assignment in question and submitted to your appropriate vice-principal for disciplinary action.


Syllabus Changes: As your instructor, I retain the right to make changes to the course timeline or required assignments. Changes will be communicated through the use of your student email accounts, Google Classroom and/ or classroom announcements.



Topics of Discussion

-What is Sociology?

                -Basic definitions and concepts.

                -Relationship to the other Social Sciences (i.e. Political Science, Economics, History, Psychology)





-Social Groups and Social Control

                -Dawn-of-ManàNuclear World

                -Group DynamicsàHow groups deal and function with the everyday world.

- Social Inequality

-Sex and Gender

-Race and Ethnicity                                    

-Social Class in the United States

-Social Institutions

                -The role of money/Economy





-Social Change

                -Population and Urbanization

                -Social Movement and Behavior

                -Societies changing with the environment